Monday, 22 September 2014

Media Studies 2:Starting the Investiagtion

Previously Posted on 12/3/13- 

As part of my coursework I had to write an investigation to show how I researched the genre of my film idea and how I used my research within my production pieces.  Below is the first part of my investigation. 

My coursework project required to come up with a film idea and make it come to life. I decided to create a script for my pre-production and a teaser poster and a DVD cover for my production tasks. I chose this option because through my practice task, I enjoyed experimenting with the dialogue, which lets me be more creative.

My film idea has a range of genres combined into one plot. The main genre is true story, which means that it is non-fiction and factual. I chose this genre as a friend of mine had an unpleasant childhood and I wanted to show how, not everyone has the ‘perfect life’ and how they deal with these imperfections. To ensure anonymity, I altered the characters names and situations so more people could relate to the idea. As this story is close to my heart I studied the codes and conventions of the genre, to ensure my information was correct, shown opposite.

Using I looked at other genre types and chose fantasy-drama as they interlink with my main genre. The fantasy part interlinks as the protagonist has a fantasy world that she uses as an escape from the harshness of reality. The drama links in through the storyline, due to the domestic abuse/psychological references.

I conducted secondary research on the main genre by looking at true films such as 'The Blind Side’, 'Titanic', and 'The Lovely Bones'. I analysed film posters to get a better understanding of what my poster should convey, e.g. images/ typography. Creating a mood board of the film posters/ DVD covers helped me to compare/ contrast the colours/ layouts/ typography used. (images below). I also used: and to study the types of non-fiction films to get a better understanding of story lines and to see how audiences rated certain films e.g. The Lovely Bones.  

Titanic DVD Cover analysis 
The Lovely Bones DVD Cover analysis
The Blind Side DVD Cover analysis 
The Blind Side Poster analysis 
The Lovely Bones poster analysis 
Titanic Poster analysis
Mood Board

Researching my sub-genre on  helped me understand the codes and conventions, shown opposite. I also looked at types of fantasy-drama T.V. Series to help me construct my characters e.g. Buffy the Vampire Slayer. 

Researching my sub-genre on helped me understand the codes and conventions, shown opposite. I also looked at types of fantasy-drama T.V. Series to help me construct my characters e.g. Buffy the Vampire Slayer. 

For script assistance I studied different types of scripts (websites below) and used Google to look at different types of script layouts. Relating back to my practice task also gave me inspiration.

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